Construction materials

Building materials

See the categories of building materials regularly supplied by Limblach, and check the manufacturers we cooperate with.

Wall materials

Concrete blocks


Facade cladding materials

Plaster for interior walls

Plaster for exterior walls


Wool – Insulation materials

Building paper - Insulation materials

Ribbed steel bars

Smooth steel bars

Construction chemicals


Paving stone

Palisade - paving stone

Paving tiles

Tools and accessories

Materials for water and sewer installation – PE sewer and culvert pipes

Panels – Drywall installation

Profiles - Drywall installation

Corner beads - Drywall installation

Plastering - Drywall installation

Wood and deck screws, bolts and rods

Safety tapes and films

OSB panels

Wood impregnation resins, roof paints and silicones

Roof gutters

Soffit boards

Roof windows, access hatches, stairs

Air-conditioning and ventilation